

Orthodontic treatments are about more than just gorgeous smiles. It encompasses the correction of a poor bite, repositions misaligned jaws, reduces overcrowding, and straightens crooked teeth, maximizing your overall oral health. People who have received orthodontic care will have fewer problems with decay, less incidence of TMJ dysfunction, and even better function. At Kennedy Heights Dental Centre, we can help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile with our orthodontic treatments. It can benefit patients of all ages.

What Problems Do Orthodontic Treatments Fix?

Orthodontic treatments are used to treat a variety of orthodontic issues, including crooked or overcrowded teeth, and jaws that are out of alignment. Metal and ceramic braces straighten your smile by gently repositioning your teeth using wires and brackets that apply a consistent force to slowly move your teeth into proper alignment.

Many patients choose to wear braces in adolescence because their jaws are still growing. This allows the orthodontist to correct bite misalignments before they become permanent. However, adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment with braces. In fact, advances in technology have made braces more comfortable than ever for adult patients. Just ask your dentist if you have questions about braces and how they can help you!

Orthodontics For Young Children

It is untrue that braces and orthodontic work are specifically intended for older children or teens. The ideal age to begin orthodontic treatments is at the age of seven when their bones are still growing. Orthodontic treatments in young children are known as interceptive orthodontics. It may not necessarily involve braces, but specific interventions can be made to better assist your child in having a healthier bite.

Early Orthodontic Intervention

Orthodontic treatment at a younger age can help dental professionals rectify alignment issues in your child. We can encourage healthier tooth development as permanent teeth erupt. We can:

  • Guide permanent teeth into an ideal position as they begin to emerge.
  • Make space for permanent teeth by extracting baby teeth and placing a spacer.
  • Create space in the mouth arch for permanent teeth using a palatal expander device.
  • This will expand the child’s top dental arch.

Orthodontics For Older Children And Teens

By the time your child is a teen, most of their permanent teeth have emerged. This is when a majority of parents consider having braces treatments. There are several benefits to orthodontic procedures for your teens, including:

  • Shift teeth that are crooked, overcrowded, or poorly positioned.
  • Improve your child’s bite. Malocclusions can increase tooth wear, joint problems and even conceal decay.
  • Enhance your teen’s self-confidence. Research has shown that poor bites cause social anxiety in patients. From hiding their smile to feeling embarrassed, teens care about their appearance.

Orthodontic Treatments

Our dentist will assess your bite and make the appropriate treatment recommendations. We offer traditional braces, ceramic braces, and clear Invisalign aligners. You can decide on any of the above-mentioned orthodontic treatments based on your needs and preferences.

Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces employ wires and brackets to give you an aligned smile. They work to move your teeth into the desired orthodontic positions gradually. The metal braces may appear unattractive, but they can correct complicated misalignment issues.


Our dentist will assess your bite and make the appropriate treatment recommendations. We offer traditional braces, ceramic braces, and clear Invisalign aligners. You can decide on any of the above-mentioned orthodontic treatments based on your needs and preferences.

Benefits Of Straightening Teeth With Braces

There are many reasons to consider getting your teeth straightened through orthodontic treatments. Here are just a few for you to think about!

Appearance and self-esteem – Straight teeth are easier to clean, making them less likely to develop cavities or gum disease. In addition, when your teeth are straight, they look nicer when you smile, which can help boost your confidence.

Better oral health – When your teeth are straighter, they’re easier to brush and floss than crooked or crowded teeth. This can help prevent tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Easier chewing – If your teeth are crooked or overlap, it’s more difficult to chew your food properly. This can lead to problems with digestion and nutrient absorption.

Speech improvement – If your teeth overlap or are out of alignment, you may struggle with certain speech sounds. Misaligned teeth may also cause you to bite your tongue more often, which can contribute to chronic bad breath.

Reduced wear on teeth – Crooked or overlapping teeth are more susceptible to damage, including chips and cracks than normal teeth. Straight teeth experience less wear over time, which can help you avoid costly repairs down the road.

Less stress on the jaw joints – Teeth that are misaligned can place excessive stress on one or both of the TMJ jaw joints. Straightening the teeth can reduce this stress, potentially reducing your risk for TMD.

Improved bite function – When the teeth don’t fit together correctly, it can lead to issues with biting and chewing food. Orthodontic treatment can help correct these problems to improve your ability to chew.

Am I Eligible For Braces?

Orthodontic treatment can help correct the alignment of your teeth and bite, as well as fix any functional problems with your jaws. Braces and other types of orthodontic appliances can straighten the teeth, close gaps, correct overbites or underbites, and address an improper or misaligned jaw. In some cases, orthodontic treatment can even help with speech impediments caused by misaligned teeth. However, not everyone benefits from orthodontic treatment. To understand whether you’re a candidate for braces or other orthodontia treatments, schedule a consultation at the dental office. During your visit, the dentist will examine your mouth and may conduct x-rays to get a better idea of your oral health. If your dentist determines you can benefit from orthodontic treatment and you elect to receive it, you’ll need to commit to regular oral hygiene at home and visit the dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups during orthodontic treatment. The dentist may also recommend other treatments alongside orthodontics, such as teeth whitening or fluoride applications, to help complete the smile makeover process.

To learn more about our orthodontic treatments, visit our office, Kennedy Heights Dental Centre, at 11960 88 Ave, Delta, BC V4C 3C8, Canada. You can also reach us at 778-438-2084 and schedule an appointment